
Shipping Container Artwork titled “Evicted” as displayed at the Kaiapoi Art Expo in July 2017

Tony Gouedard, Royal Wolf Christchurch's forkhoist driver exhibited his latest artwork at a long running art exhibition in Canterbury - the Kaiapoi Art Expo.

Shipping Container Artwork

Shipping Container Artwork

The metal was retrieved once the container had been repaired and Tony created this gorgeous memorial to the swallows.

The following exert explains Tony’s beautiful artwork titled “Evicted” as displayed at the Kaiapoi Art Expo last weekend:-

“Evicted” is an artwork that celebrates how man and industry can champion nature, even if it is in the smallest ways.

At a busy container yard in Christchurch a family of swallows made a damaged container their home.

Staff noticed the birds flying in and out of a jagged hole and realised the birds were raising a family inside.

Weeks went by, until one day the new brood appeared and perched themselves tentatively on the protruding metal as they took in the world that would be their home. 

This artwork is made out of that same piece of metal and represents the moment the fledglings left their nest.”

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